An article by Paul Riede appeared in the Post Standard (Dec. 3rd, 2012) with updates about the "Loop the Lake" trails currently being completed around Onondaga Lake.

You can see the Article by clicking---> HERE

Unfortunately, Mr. Riede chose to describe the commanding view at one portion of the trail to include "the belching smokestacks of Solvay", which Solvay Citizens Action Group takes a burping offense to in that it carries a negative connotation about our Village. Not only does the Village have a thriving industrial tract, but the large smoke-stacks Mr. Riede refers to are more than likely the steam stacks from our paper recycling plant, Rock-Tenn.

Solvay Citizens Action Group is currently creating a landscape design plan that will link the "Loop the Lake" trail to bike and walking trail extensions which will lead to and from the Village of Solvay.

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